Hiking in the Heat

High temperatures can be dangerous. Take these safety precautions if you plan to hike in the heat.

1. Hike early in the morning.

2. Wear sunscreen, a hat, long sleeves and sunglasses.

3. Hike with a friend–or let a friend or family member know where you are and plan to be. 


4. Bring a fully charged cell phone, navigation device, snacks and plenty of water. Turn around when half your water is gone!


5. Some medications can interfere with your body’s ability to cool itself, increasing the risk of heat-related illnesses. Talk with your provider about the side effects of your medication and take precautions.


6. Don’t ignore your body–heat-related symptoms include nausea, dizziness and muscle cramps. Take a break, find some shade and consider it is time to head back.

If you experience extreme signs of heat illness, call 911 immediately.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
American Hiking Society

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